Snack's 1967

Caribbean Pork


Preparation Time:
15 min.
Cooking Time:
10 min

(Serves 4)
17 1/2 oz lean pork
4 potatoes
17 1/2 oz rice
5 chives
Chili flakes
Cooking oil
1 tablespoon curry or Colombo powder

Cut the meat into chunks. Put some oil in a heavy pot and brown the pork with the chopped chives, crushed garlic, thyme, and chili. Sprinkle occasionally with one or two spoonfuls of water. Stir the pieces of pork with a spoon to make sure they brown evenly. Cut four potatoes in half without peeling them and add them to the pot. Stir well and add hot water until everything is just covered. Cook over low heat for 30 to 45 minutes. When the cooking is done, season with a generous teaspoon of curry or Colombo powder. Simmer for 5 to 10 minutes more and serve hot, accompanied by rice.

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