Traditional Brownies


Preparation Time:
20 min.
Cooking Time:
30 to 35 min.

(Serves 6)
7 3/4 oz powdered sugar
3 3/4 oz softened butter
6 3/4 oz dark chocolate
6 1/4 oz flour
3 eggs
1 packet vanilla sugar
1 teaspoon yeast
1/2 teaspoon salt
7 oz chopped walnuts

Preheat the oven to 350°F. Butter a baking dish and dust it with flour, tapping the dish to remove the excess. Break the chocolate into little pieces and melt with the butter in a bowl over a bain-marie. Remove the chocolate from the heat when it is completely melted. Add the sugar, vanilla sugar, and eggs but do not overblend. Sift the flour and yeast then add them to the mix along with the salt. Mix carefully. Add the walnuts and mix again. Pour into the dish and bake for 30 to 35 minutes. Cool for 30 minutes before running a knife around the edge and unmolding onto a cutting board. Let cool completely before cutting into 2-inch squares.

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